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Nutritional Consultation

Do you feel healthy, balanced, in tune with nature?

                   --- OR ---

  • Do you feel bloated, lethargic, aggravated by allergies, concerned about weight?

  • Do you suffer from heartburn, indigestion, migraines, arthritis, asthma, acid reflux, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol?

  • Would you like to become pregnant but seem unable?

  • Do you feel separated from your body? 

Arrange a consultation with Lesli Kotloski on nutritional guidance in person or on the phone; $45 for 1-1/4 hours. Review your personal eating habits and health issues and evaluate how you feel based on what you eat. Reshape your daily regimen with personalized guidelines on making informed and healthy food choices. Receive follow up information on specific health issues and support. Overcome resistance, guilt, and excuses as you feel better! You won´t be expected to give up meat either!

Nutritional wellness will enhance your life moving you away from toxic ingredients to feeling cleaner on every level and to live each day more fully by feeling better! 



Contact Lesli at (412) 292 -5167 or via email at with any questions or to schedule a consultation.



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